If it was physically possible I would love to read every book. I'm a fan of lots of different genres and authors, ranging from books for young people to classics and gripping thrillers.
But because there are so many books in the world and hundreds of new ones get published every month, I'll never be able to read all of them - something which makes me unbearably sad!
These ten things make me instantly WANT to read a book: whether I'll end up reading them all is a different story...
10) Charity shop steals

I LOVE charity shopping. Sometimes I'll find a book I've never heard of before, but if it looks vaguely interesting - intriguing synopsis, nice cover - and is only a couple of pounds, I'll take it home with me. If a book is cheap, I can't resist it.
9) Signed editions

I hoard signed books. Whether they're signed by an author that I already love or someone I've never heard of before, I can't resist, so if I find a signed book in the wild I can't resist grabbing it.
8) Intriguing taglines

They might only be one line teasers, but because they hint towards the plot and don't give anything away they can be far more appealing than spoilery synopses.
7) Controversial discussion

If a book has controversy surrounding it - or focuses on a controversial topic - I'm instantly intrigued. I try to borrow potentially damaging books from my local library rather than purchasing them, but I think it's important to make up your own mind rather than blindly agreeing with the crowd.

6) Auto-buy authors

5) Favourite publishers

Since I started blogging, I've been paying more attention to which publishers release my favourite books, and the same names crop up over and over. As soon as that publisher announces that they've purchased the rights to the first book in a new series or an author's debut novel, they get added straight to my Goodreads want-to-read list and I anxiously wait for the release date.
4) Beautiful covers

As soon as I see a book with a gorgeous cover, I experience uncontrollable grabby hands. My arms stretch out, fists clenching and unclenching with excitement as I get closer to touching a beautiful book. I don't care what it's about, I just know that it looks amazing and I NEED it.
3) Cait @ Paper Fury
If you don't follow Cait's blog, you're a fake YA fan! She's not only funny, she's a reading machine, devouring over two hundred titles every year. If I see that Cait's given a book a good star rating on her Goodreads, I'm instantly interested in it - I trust her opinion, and our reading tastes are quite similar.
2) #SundayYA book club picks

Since Rachel - leader of the #SundayYA chat - started the book club, I've read every single title that's been chosen. Admittedly I've finished a couple of the picks after their discussion date (and my review of 'Orangeboy' is coming later today because it's taken me a while to get through!) but I've loved nearly all of them.
1) YA Book Prize shortlist

The YA Book Prize is in its third year, and after challenging myself to read all of the books on last year's shortlist, I'm doing the same thing this year. I still need to go back and read the titles that were on the 2015 shortlist, but this is something I'm going to be doing yearly.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Ten Tuesday! What makes you want to read a book?
I hope you enjoyed this Top Ten Tuesday! What makes you want to read a book?
I love the wonderful books no one else has heard of. My favorite sort of story.
I love a good tagline and beautiful covers too! Great list!
ReplyDeleteMy Top Ten
It's interesting that you like taglines! I've never liked them myself, but I guess I really don't notice them very much. I'll be on the lookout for them now. =)
ReplyDeleteYou have a point about Cait's blog. She is a reading machine and her blog is always so beautiful. I totally forgot to add on my list that of Stephen King blurb's the book, I usually have to have it. Like you, it's sad that we can't read all the books. Too bad there isn't some machine we can plug into when we sleep so we can read while we sleep. My husband wants the same machine but with movies. Who knows, the way technology is going, we may eventually!
ReplyDeleteOMG I'M DYING RIGHT NOW.😂😂 THIS COMPLETELY MADE MY DAYYYYY. *gives you all the cake of ever* 😂😂 <3 <3 I'm so thrilled you like my reviews (and also tha twe have similar taste!! Which means we have awesome taste!!) And I also relate to SO many other things on your list! I'm a huge thrift-store-second-hand-book-buyer and I really love picking up books because they're beautiful. And *whispers* Controversy always gets me too.😂 Unless it's SUPER bad controversy and then I tend to avoid, but half the time I want to know what the fuss is and make an opinion for myself too!
ReplyDeleteNow excuse me while I just go smile like a dork for...FOR LIKE FOREVER.
Auto buy authors and pretty covers were on my list this week too!
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: https://jjbookblog.wordpress.com/2017/04/18/top-ten-tuesday-103/
How did I not think to add thrift store finds and fav publishers to my list?!? I am always mentioning those two as reason why I choose a book on my pick-ups posts. Anyway good list.
ReplyDeleteMy TTT: http://books.thetechchef.net/top-ten-tuesday-21/
Hi! Taglines is a good one I should have added to my list! :)
ReplyDeleteMy TTT
Charity shop sales, or library book sales are just the best! :)
ReplyDeleteLauren @ My TTT and my current giveaway (INT)