Top Ten Tuesday is still on hiatus, but I won't let that stop me!
I spent a lot of time deciding what to write about this week, and it got me thinking about how many books I'm excited for that aren't even being released until next year. I'm hoping most of you will have never heard of the majority these titles before, so sit back and enjoy the ride (and the rapid TBR increase...)
10) 'Toil & Trouble' edited by Tess Sharpe and Jessica Spotswood
'Toil & Trouble' is an anthology of feminist YA short stories. If that's not enough to interest you, when you know that it includes writing from Elizabeth May, Emery Lord, Nova Ren Suma and Tristina Wright, you've GOT to be hooked. Check out the full list of names involved in the project here.
9) 'Ash Princess' by Laura Sebastian
'Ash Princess' is the first book in a YA fantasy trilogy, and even though I'm a bit done with trilogies, this sounds quite exciting. Theodosia's mother gets murdered and she's forced to survive under relentless abuse from the Kaiser, pretending to be an airhead while she's really plotting her revenge.
8) 'Girls of Paper and Fire' by Natasha Ngan
Based on Asian mythology, 'Girls of Paper and Fire' is about Lei, a girl who is taken and forced to serve in the Demon King's court. Unfortunately she falls in love with a fellow servant, and both of their lives are thrown into danger...
I can't think of any #ownvoices novels I've read based on Asian mythology - a disappointing thing to admit, and something I'm going to address - so I'm very much looking forward to this one.
7) 'Tyler Johnson Was Here' by Jay Coles
A brave topic for a debut novel, 'Tyler Johnson Was Here' is inspired by the Black Lives Matter movement, and frankly addresses the topic of police brutality towards young black people. Being an #ownvoices book, this is sure to be heartbreaking.
6) 'Theatrical' by Maggie Harcourt
I only finished 'Unconventional' last week, and I already want to reread it. Maggie's writing is brilliant, and I'm so excited about 'Theatrical', all about a teenager who dreams of working behind the scenes, rather than being up onstage under the spotlight.
5) 'Out of the Blue' by Sophie Cameron
I've been excited for Sophie Cameron's debut since way back in October, and I'm already feeling the pain of waiting for this one. Described as a book "about grief and finding your place in the world", this sounds like a book that would have been adored by younger Alyce, and I can't wait to pick it up.
4) 'Barbed Wire Heart' by Tess Sharpe
ICYMI, Tess Sharpe is one of my favourite authors. I loved her YA debut, and the fact that she's following it up with an adult release - an adult feminist thriller, no less - gets me SO excited. I'm just going to be making grabby hands at Tess for the next twelve months. I shall not rest until I have this in my hands.
3) 'Slaughter Moon' by Tessa Gratton
I got goosebumps when I read the 'Slaughter Moon' announcement post. Then when I saw that Tessa had described it as "A book about how toxic masculinity ruins boys and all girls should be witches. Plus devils, dark forests, and threesomes" I was SHOOK. I never knew I needed this until I needed it more than anything. It's just so darned far away.
2) 'Iron Gold' by Pierce Brown - January 16th 2018

1) 'Floored' by Sara Barnard, Holly Bourne, Tanya Byrne, Non Pratt, Melinda Salisbury, Lisa Williamson and Eleanor Wood - July 2018
'Floored' is the book I'm most excited about because it's a collaboration between six wonderful YA authors (including four of my favourites, Sara, Holly, Melinda and Lisa). This is going to go one of two ways: it's either going to be the most genius thing that's ever been released, or the voices are going to be too conflicting and it's going to be a car crash. I just can't wait to see how it works, and I'm certain I'm going to love it more than I've ever loved anything.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Ten Tuesday! I'm glad I won't be suffering from the anticipation alone - it's hard enough to wait a month for a book, so waiting over a year is indescribably difficult.
Which of these releases are you most excited about?
I am so incredibly excited for Floored, it's going to be amazing! Just look at those authors!
ReplyDeleteCora |
I'm more excited for Floored than I've ever been for anything EVER.
DeleteSo you've managed to get me super excited for Toil & Trouble and Slaughter Moon. And man, they don't come out until 2018 - I'm wishing my life away! Great list and thanks tons for sharing.
ReplyDeleteI think they're both going to be absolutely brilliant: hopefully the time will pass quickly!
DeleteGreat list! Only heard about Pierce Brown's book. I will have to write down these books and look them up! 2018 seems so far away right now but this year is already going by so fast!
ReplyDeleteDanica @ Shelves of Spines
My Top 10
Isn't it?! I swear Halloween was only a couple of days ago, I can't believe we're already on the third month of the year!
DeleteI haven't heard of Girls of Paper and Fire! I'll have to look out for it. I LOVE books about Asian mythology. I just hope it's done well! Another Asian mythology book by an Asian author is Forest of A Thousand Lanterns by Julie Dao. It comes out this fall!
ReplyDeleteOoh, I'm going to have to go and add that one on Goodreads straight away. Thanks!