This week Top Five Wednesday is taking a break from discussing books, so I thought I'd use it to talk about my other love - music! My favourite albums change ALL THE TIME, so these are only my current favourites: I hope you'll check them out and will enjoy them as much as I do.
5) 'We Don't Have Each Other' by Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties

I've been listening to this album non-stop because I'm actually seeing Aaron West and the Roaring Twenties live TOMORROW! A heartbreakingly poignant concept album, this tells the story of Aaron's marriage breaking down following his wife, Diane, having a miscarriage. You won't get through this one without shedding a tear.
Favourite song?: 'Divorce and the American South'.
4) 'I like it when you sleep, for you are so beautiful yet so unaware of it' by The 1975

This album is always going to be in my top five. I hated The 1975 before this was released, and now I can't get enough of them.
Favourite song?: 'Loving Someone'.
3) 'All These Countless Nights' by Deaf Havana
For a while I was worried that we were never going to get another Deaf Havana album. Things went eerily quiet, and it didn't look good. Then 'All These Countless Nights' was announced live on stage last year, and I was beyond excited. This album was worth the wait.
Favourite song?: 'Trigger'.
2) 'The Boy Who Died Wolf' by Highly Suspect
When I discovered Highly Suspect at Reading festival last year, I didn't expect to fall in love with them as quickly as I did. Then 'The Boy Who Died Wolf' was released, and I was HOOKED.
Favourite song?: 'Wolf'.
1) 'Night People' by You Me At Six
This shouldn't be a surprise. I've seen You Me At Six five times in the last five months, and I think their new album is the most exciting material they've released since the launch of 'Sinners Never Sleep' back in 2011.
Favourite song?: 'Take On the World'.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Five Wednesday, and that you find a new favourite band thanks to one of these albums! See you next week.
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