Bookish wrap-up:
I started off the year as I mean to go on: by reading 23 books. That included 3 graphic novels and 4 non-fiction titles.
This was probably my most diverse reading month on the blog EVER. I read an adult contemporary, a classic, two thrillers, two crime novels and two novels written in free verse. Phew!
The best books I read in January?:

These books all deserved the five stars I gave them.
The worst books I read in January?:

I don't know if I was being too nice last month, but I didn't give any books one star. These three just scraped two stars, but now I think I might have been a bit generous...
Musical wrap-up:
If you checked out my Top Five Wednesday post yesterday, you'll find it easy to guess my album of the month - yep, You Me At Six's 'Night People'.
Every song they release is stronger than the last, and I can't wait to finally get my hands on the new album - it's bound to be huge.
This was another month in which I only went to two concerts. You Me At Six were amazing at their acoustic performance, but I have to say that my concert of the month was A Day To Remember's astounding show at Wembley Arena.
If you checked out my Top Five Wednesday post yesterday, you'll find it easy to guess my album of the month - yep, You Me At Six's 'Night People'.

I haven't listened to all of the albums that were released this month yet, and I'm sure I'm really going to enjoy Frank Carter and the Rattlesnakes' 'Modern Ruin' and AFI's 'The Blood Album', but for now the award has to go to my boys, who are finally back on top after a dreadful fourth album.
I was going to give song of the month to one of the new You Me At Six tracks, but instead I've decided to award it to Mallory Knox for 'Better Off Without You'.
This was another month in which I only went to two concerts. You Me At Six were amazing at their acoustic performance, but I have to say that my concert of the month was A Day To Remember's astounding show at Wembley Arena.
I hope you enjoyed this wrap-up. See you at the end of February!
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