Guys, this year was a mess.
I read more than I'd ever read before, and I still didn't read half of the books I intended to. This list could be 50 books and it still wouldn't encompass all of the books I've missed, both ones that I wanted to read personally and those I received for review (either via NetGalley or through actually receiving ARCs, which I feel SO GUILTY about!).
So in January, I'm going to prioritise these five books, and hopefully that will assuage some of my guilt...
5) 'The Girl With a Clock for a Heart' by Peter Swanson

I really enjoyed Peter's 'A Kind Worth Killing', so when 'The Girl With a Clock for a Heart' was republished the publishers kindly sent me a copy. I haven't had a chance to pick this up yet, but if it's as tense as his other book I know I'll fly through it in just a day.
4) 'Long Dark Dusk' and 'Dark Made Dawn' by J.P. Smythe

I enjoyed the first book in J.P. Smythe's Australia trilogy, but when I got the second book I decided to wait for the final installment to be released so that I could marathon them both together. The third book only came out last month, so I haven't waited too long to read it, but I'd like to get these out of the way and get another series finished.
3) 'The Sun Is Also A Star' by Nicola Yoon
I heard a few things about this book that put me off of reading it (specifically that there are bits narrated by random characters in the background of scenes, which sounds far too confusing for my little brain to keep track of!) so even though it was one of my most anticipated 2016 releases, I avoided reading it.
2) 'Isla and the Happily Ever After' by Stephanie Perkins
I was meant to read 'Isla...' in FEBRUARY. Oops.
1) 'Replica' by Lauren Oliver
I got a proof of 'Replica' in July. FREAKING JULY. I wanted to wait until closer to the release date (October) to read it, but I didn't have time in September. Then I was meant to join a readalong in October... And I FORGOT. This proves that I am a horrendous person and am not to be trusted with deadlines.
I was so excited about this book. I almost cried when I read the first page... But after a couple of chapters my mind wandered, and I put it down, and I haven't had time to try again. But in January, I will. I swear it on the life of my unborn (future, potential) child.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Five Wednesday!
Are there any books you really want to read at the start of 2017?
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