Today is Free Comic Book Day in the UK, which is one of the most fun days of the year. Held every year on the first Saturday in May, this was my second year participating and thanks to both days I've managed to discover some brand new and independent titles that sound amazing.
I didn't write about my free comics last year, so I thought I'd make this post a celebration of the past two years. I'm going to throwback to last year's free comics, and then showcase all of the new titles I got today underneath!
I was very lucky with my first foray into free comics, because the list of titles featured was amazing.
My free comic haul from last year |
Of course, everyone's heard of Marvel, so it was no surprise that I picked up their releases, particularly the launch of Civil War II - the biggest release featured on last year's list. There was also the first issue of a new series of Captain America and an appearance from the All-New, All-Different Avengers (who have a far more diverse line-up to the Avengers you're used to!)
But the titles I hadn't heard of before got me far more excited.
Camp Midnight has such a gorgeous font, and it looks super spooky! |
Who wouldn't want to take home the gorgeous ladies on the front cover of Love and Rockets? |
I picked up Hilda because of her little antlered squirrel friend. I'm a sucker for pets. |
The designs and artwork of these releases was far more compelling and completely up my alley. I love the more classic, cartoony design far more than the hyper-realism favoured in comics at the moment, so I fell in love with all of these covers instantly. I also love the fact that they're more light-hearted: it's possible to get bored of the fighting and action in the superhero genre.
I didn't look up the list of free titles before going in-store this year, as I knew I'd be visiting my local comic book shop anyway: they've just relocated into new premises and have a far bigger shop now, so I wanted to have a look around! That meant I hadn't decided what to pick up before I went in, and was pleasantly surprised with what I discovered.
My haul from this year (ft. two from Halloween Free Comic Book Day #aesthetic) |
Did anyone else know there was going to be a new Buffy comic? So excited! |
I don't know much about Skottie Young's I Hate Fairyland series, but this looks like a good introduction! |
I love this illustration, but know nothing about Archie - help! |
I went to the midnight showing of Guardians of the Galaxy 2, so I'm very excited to read this issue. |
I particularly love Baby Groot and his over-sized screwdriver! |
Last, but certainly not least, I'm excited to read my first ever issue of Wonder Woman. |
And that's my haul from this Free Comic Book Day! I'm so excited to read these, especially Betty & Veronica - I know nothing about them, but they certainly look fierce.
Did you participate in this year's Free Comic Book Day?
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