This topic last came up back in August, but luckily there are SO MANY authors that I want to read more from that I found it easy to choose another five.
5) Lily Paradis
4) Cat Clarke
3) Holly Bourne
2) Katherine Webber
1) Sara Barnard
5) Lily Paradis

I absolutely loved 'Volition' by Lily Paradis, but a lot of people accused her of having ripped off another author. She hasn't released anything since, and I miss her: come back, Lily!
4) Cat Clarke

I've read most of Cat Clarke's novels, but that doesn't stop me wanting more. She's a brilliant writer, and I've cried while reading all of the books of hers that I've read so far (which is the main reason I haven't read everything she's released!).
3) Holly Bourne
It's my own fault that I haven't read more of Holly's novels: she has published six novels so far, and I've only read one of them (despite the fact that I own the other five!). This is something I really need to work on, and I'm looking forward to reading more of her writing in the future.
2) Katherine Webber
Katherine's debut novel, 'Wing Jones', is a treat. I read it in one sitting, and I've been unable to stop thinking about Wing since. I don't just want more from Katherine, I NEED it.
1) Sara Barnard

I've read an adored both of Sara's novels so far, and I just can't wait for her to release her third book. I love her writing style, but it makes it impossible to savour the novels: I've sped through both of them, and I'm already planning on rereading them.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Five Wednesday! What authors do you want to read more from?
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