I normally read books very quickly, but sometimes I struggle. I put the book I'm halfway through down, pick up another one and speed through it, try to return to the first book... Oh, and I'm already off on another adventure, reading something completely unrelated.
I'm only including books that I've actually finished, because I do have a pile of half read ones on the go at the moment (oh, 'Emma', I've been reading you for four years!).
5) 'The View From the Cheap Seats' by Neil Gaiman

This book of non-fiction essays is lengthy! I started reading it the day I got it out of the library, and had it for nearly two months as I dipped in and out, reading a couple of essays at a time.
4) 'Uglies' by Scott Westerfeld

One of the reasons this took me so long is because I read it in the middle of a reading slump, so I was only able to concentrate on a couple of pages at a time without wanting to tear my hair out. I'm hoping to reread this eventually, and move on with the rest of the series, because I think I would really enjoy it if I was reading it at the right time.
3) 'City of Bones' by Cassandra Clare

'City of Bones' was one of the victims of this. I can remember flying through the other four books in the series ("Why Alyce!" you cry, "There are six books in The Mortal Instruments!". I HAVEN'T READ THE LAST ONE, OKAY?!) but I struggled with this first installment.
2) 'Severed Heads, Broken Hearts' by Robyn Schneider
1) 'Allegiant' by Veronica Roth

My relationship with 'Allegiant' was so bad that it took me almost 12 weeks to chug through it. The middle section and the alternating viewpoints were the areas that really caused me to struggle, but I read the last 150 pages in a day... I was so conflicted!
I hope you enjoyed this Top Five Wednesday! Which books took you the longest to read?
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