But December featured that special little holiday of Christmas, which means I was actually given some books this month too! Without further ado, here's my last book haul of 2015 (even if it is a couple of days late... Shush).

Both of Estelle Maskame's novels were on an introductory offer price (the first at 99p, the second at £1.49) so I wasn't going to say no to that. They look like they're going to be really cute contemporary reads, and with the third book in the series coming out in a couple of months it gives me a little bit of time to catch up.
No, I haven't read 'Throne of Glass', but 'The Assassin's Blade' was only 99p, so it gives me more of an excuse to start diving into the series - which I am going to read at some point this year (I hope).
Library book sale:
I didn't get that many books from the library book sale this month, only grabbing these seven: at only 10p each, that's a brilliant price. I'd never heard of 'The Opposite of Amber' before, but it's definitely the one I'm most anticipating.
Charity shopping:
I didn't get that many books from the library book sale this month, only grabbing these seven: at only 10p each, that's a brilliant price. I'd never heard of 'The Opposite of Amber' before, but it's definitely the one I'm most anticipating.
Charity shopping:
Okay, this is worse than I thought... It always is when I go to London, because I have two charity shops that I regularly go to and they sell ARCs, so it's impossible for me to say no!
These were the books I got from regular charity shopping. A whole bunch of them were only 25p each, so that's a bargain I wasn't going to pass up.
The 'Reading At The Cafe' candle smells like hot chocolate and coffee, and it's the most delightful scent. I can't wait to start using the To Do list and the 'What I Read' notebook, which features adorable quotes like:
The book the box contained, 'Da Vinci's Tiger' was one I hadn't actually heard of, and it's always exciting to discover new things! The magnet pack that came with it was adorable too.
Christmas gifts:
I got a heck of a lot of readable material for Christmas, so here goes...
So that's 57 books purchased or gifted to me this month.
It's not as many as it could have been! But I'm definitely going to stop obsessively buying books during 2016, and attempt to read more of the ones that I already own. I really need to start weeding my shelves, because there are books I've owned for years and years (since the popular vampire/fallen angel stage back in 2009) which I'm not likely to read anymore, and I need more space!
The 'Reading At The Cafe' candle smells like hot chocolate and coffee, and it's the most delightful scent. I can't wait to start using the To Do list and the 'What I Read' notebook, which features adorable quotes like:
Thank you, Owlcrate, for continuing to be beautiful! I'm already excited for January's box.
I only requested one book on bookbridgr this month, and that was Jennifer L Armentrout's 'Oblivion'. If anyone's read this book - the companion novel to the Lux series, told from Daemon's perspective - please let me know if you need to read the Lux series first: I kinda just want to start right here!
I got a heck of a lot of readable material for Christmas, so here goes...
I got 'Winter' from my wonderful colleague (and fellow book blogger) Anya: it's definitely given me the kick up the bum that I needed to start The Lunar Chronicles.
I'm extremely excited to read 'The Dead House' because I've heard amazing things about it, but I think the one I'm going to read soonest is 'Carry On' by Rainbow Rowell. I adored (ADORED) 'Fangirl', so I'm sure this is going to be brilliant.
'The Walking Dead: Compendium 3' was a Christmas present for my badass Grandad (yeah, he's super cool) and it means that I really need to read the second compendium: I've been holding off because I didn't want to get spoilers about the TV show, but we're basically caught up (and I've seen the ginormous, huge, 100th issue spoiler anyway...) so I'm just gonna go for it.
'The Umbrella Academy' was given to me by my wonderful girlfriend (tell me she's not amazing at picking gifts: I will fight you) and I've been wanting to read it for so damned long that I'm probably gonna speed through this at some point next week.
Last, but most certainly not least, my brilliant mummy got me four signed editions of books for Christmas. I'm going to do a blog post about all of my signed books pretty soon (not like I haven't been saying that for six months... But it's coming!) so I'll show these off properly then.
It's not as many as it could have been! But I'm definitely going to stop obsessively buying books during 2016, and attempt to read more of the ones that I already own. I really need to start weeding my shelves, because there are books I've owned for years and years (since the popular vampire/fallen angel stage back in 2009) which I'm not likely to read anymore, and I need more space!
You know exactly what I've got to say to your book buying habits! However, you so need to show me that charity bookshop you were telling me about, it sounds fantastically dangerous!
ReplyDeleteI will! If you come up in the week some time, I can show you lots of hidden delights I've discovered :P