When it's cold outside, nothing in the world is better than snuggling up under a blanket wearing your goofiest Christmas jumper (of which I have many... Too, too many) and reading a great book. Instead of choosing five books I've already read by the fire, I'm going to choose five books I still need to read that will perfectly suit this season.
5) 'Burnt Paper Sky' by Gilly Macmillan

'Burnt Paper Sky' sounds like it's going to be a very psychological thriller, and I think having the warmth from the fire would help warm the chill in your bones.
4) 'A Game of Thrones' by George R. R. Martin
This book is huge-mongous, so it's a great excuse to begin living in front of the fire, a complete hermit from the rest of society. Also, if you decide you don't want to read it, it'll make great kindling.
3) 'Sisters' Fate' by Jessica Spotswood
I read the first two Cahill Witch Chronicles novels last winter, so curling up and finishing off this series would be brilliant.
2) 'Snow Like Ashes' by Sara Raasch
If the title wasn't super appropriate, the beautifully snowy cover definitely sells this book.
1) 'Cinder' by Marissa Meyer
Was there really any other choice? 'Cinder' sounds like the perfect story to read by the fire - made even better when you consider that the final Lunar Chronicles novel is called 'Winter'.
I hope you enjoyed this Top Five Wednesday! What books do you want to read by the fire?
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